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GT Radial
Nationwide Brand
GT Radial brought us on board looking to add an exciting shot of life into their existing online presence, so that's exactly what we delivered. An eye-catching site update with lots of engaging, user-friendly functionality helped us truly bring this project to the next level.
With a legacy brand like GT Radial, it's sometimes best to let the product speak for itself. Product photography focused on showing these tires as they are, getting up close and personal for a detailed look. Lifestyle photography helped communicate a sense of motion and liveliness, adding a general sense of adventurousness to the brand's overall identity.
Our work was done within the existing branding guidelines that were provided to us by GT Radial, with the goal of updating things where and when we saw fit. We maintained GT Radial's classic color palette while choosing fonts like Mongoose and Acumin Pro for their clean lines and the hip, modern feel they lend to the site.
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